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by Ayden Soares
Spring, 2016

I started taekwondo in March 2013. When I started I didn’t really care. Then I realized the classes were pretty cool and fun. After my first tiny tiger class I said Mom, can I stay to see the Black belt class she said yes, I said thanks, then I said Mom , I want to be like them, I will get there and I said I want to be a black belt. I thought being a black belt would be awesome, but I didn’t realize how hard it would be. For me it hurt quite a bit.

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Making it though my entire tiny tiger program and getting my solid yellow belt, was the best feeling in the world. It made me feel older and stronger. Each belt got harder and harder. In my head I knew I could do it, but my body kept telling me no. Around the time I got my blue belt I found out I had Arthritis, and my right wrist couldn’t move at all. My Mom and Dad told me I had to quit Taekwondo, and I cried telling them that I really wanted to keep going because I had a dream of getting my black belt. My parents were too scared I would really hurt myself. My mom went to my instructors and told them what happened and that I wouldn’t be going any more. They told my Mom that they would help me and they would change my exercises so that I could keep going. I was so happy!

The next few belts were the hardest on my body because of all the medication I was on. I was always sick and sore, but kept looking at the wall at OMAC with all the belt colours and saw that I was getting closer to my goal. I started getting stronger and stronger.

I am now a black-red belt with my dream of getting my black belt almost here. I have been helping out with the tiny tiger classes and can see the kids looking at my belt with the same face I had when I was a tiny tiger. I would love to be an instructor when I grow up. I want to teach everyone to never give up on your dreams, because they can always come true!


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